Social Development for Communities (SDC) Foundation
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Workshop: Solid Waste Management & Conservation of River Ganga

February 4, 2019 |

SDC Foundation was invited to Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal Central University (HNBGU), Srinagar, Uttarakhand, to deliver an educative workshop on the Swachh Survekshan and how to preserve the river Ganga by moving towards more sustainable ways of managing waste. The workshop saw a large turnout from academia including university students as well as grassroots civil society organisations.

Emphasis was laid on informing and sensitising the community regarding Swachh Survekshan and the role of the citizen and the wider community. It was discussed that cleanliness meant engaging with RWA, community leaders, faith leaders, school and college representatives, Vyapar Mandal, NGO, SHG bulk-waste generators, media and elected public representatives. Apart from the community angle, there is also a need for Himalayan towns to invest in capacities to handle the increased quantities of waste.
